There are two options for assigning segments to Retailers, firstly in bulk using Segment-Bulk-Assign-Blank.csv file or using the Brandscope Interface. Let's walk through the two options.
Bulk Load in Brandscope
- Ensure the toggle has been activated by your Brandscope Account Manager
- Fill in the template attached to this Help Guide. (Tip: Make sure you include existing and new segments on the file)
- Save the file as a CSV and head to Administration > Retailer Imports > Assign Segments
- Click the blue '+' sign on the right-hand side of your screen and search for the file
- Click upload and review the status of the file
- The log imports will display on your screen as either failed or imported.
- Work through any failed files by downloading the log file and reupload the file
If you're unsure of any errors, please reach out to your Brandscope Account Manager.
Below are instructions for updating in Brandscope Interface.
- Select the Brand and the Segment(s). You can select multiple Segments at once..
- Search for the Retailer/s and tick the box on the left of those you wish to update.
- Click ASSIGN or UNASSIGN to update.
Table Grid
The grid lists all the Retailers associated with the Segment selected.
The grid features the following headers that can be sorted alphabetically or numerically by selecting the header at the top of each column:
- Name - Refers to the Retailer Name.
- Assigned - Displays a tick or cross depending on whether that particular Retailer is assigned to the segment.
- Segments - Displays which segments the Retailer is assigned to
- Territory - Displays which territory the Retailer is assigned to
- Status - Displays whether or not if the Retailer is Active or Inactive.