Bulk upload product images

  1. Administration > Product Image Import.
  2. Select Export Blank Template in the upper right hand corner of the Product Image Import page


  3. A .csv file will download to your computer.
  4. SKU and Colour Code columns: Used to map the images to the corresponding product data that you have already loaded in Brandscope. You can use the Integration ID instead if that suits you better.
  5. Image URL: You can also map the images using this column or leave it blank.
  6. Image Position: Determines which position the image appear in the image carousel. 1 = first image.
  7. Image File Name: Where you put the image file name, if this is what you'll be using to map the images. Othwerwise, leave blank.
  8. Is Primary: Y = Yes, N = No. Determines whether this is the primary image that will display on the range page. 
  9. Example of a completed template, where the image file name is used to map images: 
  10. Now you will need to import your images: Select > Brand > Insert Images
  11. Choose how you want to import your images: My Device, Dropbox or drag and drop:
  12. Select multiple images from the area you wish to import your images from
  13. Brandscope will let you know once your images have uploaded
  14. You will now need to upload the file that maps the relevant images to the product: Select > Upload File > click browse > select file
  15. Map column headers and integration to the relevant fields > Upload File
    You will be presented with a preview of what images will be loaded
  16. Click > Load Images to Brandscope
    Once complete, Brandscope will send an email notifying you that your image upload request has been completed with a brief summary and and upload log.
  17. The status column of the log file will show whether your image upload was valid or not