Remove a resource from a product


Remove any jpeg, png or pdf files at a brand level following the steps below: 

🗒️ Note: Videos are NOT uploaded to Brandscope. The video embed URL is added to the Resource Data-Load-Sheet (DLS) file.

  1. Setup > Brands.
  2. Select the Brand and then the More icon.
  3. Select Upload Brand Resources.
  4. Click Remove file on the resource image you would like to remove. 

The video embed URL is added to the Resource Data-Load-Sheet (DLS) file.

Export the Resource-Load-Sheet from your release. 

  1. Setup > Releases.
  2. Select the Release and the Export icon.
  3. Select Export Product Resources DLS.
  4. Remove the data and load this file back into Brandscope
  5. Upload the Resource DLS
    1. Administration > Product Resources Import.
    2. Click the + icon.
    3. Select the Brand, Release, file and then the Upload button.
    4. Verify the file has been uploaded by checking the status column that says “Imported”.
    If you have any issues or questions, please contact your Brandscope Account Manager.