Supplier - QuickFill Troubleshooting Checklist

Product is not showing in QuickFill

QuickFill is Brandscope’s streamlined refill ordering tool. 

QuickFill will display all of the available products for immediate delivery (excluding all sold out products).

 A product will only display in QuickFill if it has the current delivery month, is not sold out and is active on an InSeason release. 

You cannot place orders for future months via QuickFill. Please run through the below checks if a product is not displaying in QuickFill.


  1. Check brand level QuickFill checkbox is checked.
  2. Check release is in InSeason mode.
  3. Check release has the current delivery month.


  1. Check product is active.
  2. Check product has the current delivery month.
  3. Check product is not sold out and has quantities for the current delivery month.
  4. Check product is not on Brandscope Hierarchy Category = "Unassigned" - This is hidden from QuickFill.


*only applicable if your brand uses the Segment feature.

  1. Check brand Segment checkbox is on.
  2. Check release Segment-able checkbox is on.
  3. Check product has at least 1 Segment name.
  4. Check retailer has access to Segment.


  • Check the retailer's currency has a matching currency to the products